Putting 3 Facial Scrubs To The Test

I suffer from dry patches on my face, especially on my nose which sometimes make it difficult for my makeup to stick on. If makeup does stick to my nose it usually clings onto the annoying, dry, flakey bits (which nobody wants!) So I like to use a facial exfoliator regularly, I also have very sensitive skin, so if it’s too abrasive… hello redness! That’s why I’ve road tested the following three face scrubs. Let’s see if they can take on the difficult job of removing dry skin and blackheads without irritating my skin (easier said than done!)


St Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub

St Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub

I found this one to be a bit too harsh and abrasive for my skin.  The product does claim to have a high exfoliation factor, which I would agree with. This is probably it was too abrasive for my sensitive skin. However after using this my face was very smooth, but it did cause my nose to become very dry and red after using it.

Overall rating: My Overall rating is 6/10 mainly due it it being too abrasive on my sensitive skin. I think this would be a really good product on someone who does not have sensitive skin. It does have a lovely fresh scent, but personally I prefer facial products that are less fragrant.



Nip + Fab Glyolic Scrub Fix

Nip + Fab Glyolic Scrub Fix

I’ve seen so many good things about this range, out of the three scrubs, this one left my skin the smoothest. While using it I did find the texture of the scrub a bit too abrasive on my nose and cheeks. The consistency of the scrub is densely packed with small micro-beads. Initially after using this product my skin was very red, however after a few hours it calmed down. Later on my skin did start to feel a lot more oily on my chin which I think was down to it being too abrasive for me. However the next day I did notice that my skin was visibly less textured.

Overall rating: 8/10 it did do a good job of exfoliating dry skin away and it did leave my skin very smooth. It did cause initial redness, then extra oil a few hours later. However it did a good job of improving the texture of my skin overall. I will continue to use this, but only when I really need it as to reduce redness in my skin.


Newton Labs T-Zone Skincare Blackhead Fighting Scrub

Newton Labs T-Zone Skincare Blackhead Fighting Facial Scrub

As the cheapest of the three, I picked this up from Bodycare for around £1 and I wasn’t expecting much for my money. However this product really knocked it out of the park for me, it isn’t too harsh on my sensitive skin but it definitely does the job of exfoliating away dead skin and reducing oil on my forehead. It claims to have “gentle micro-beads”, I would definitely agree with this.  The beads are larger and sparser than in the other two face scrubs, which meant that the application didn’t feel as abrasive as the other two scrubs. I also noticed that after using this the amount of spots on my forehead was dramatically reduced. Another thing that I love about this product is that it is fragrance and parabens free. I always try to use body wash products that are fragrance and parabens free, so that fact that this facial scrub was the same was a massive plus for me.

Overall rating: My overall rating is a 10/10 due to it being so affordable, sensitive skin friendly, reduced blackheads and left my skin smooth. I will be using this scrub on a regular basis!



So what are your favourite facial scrubs, did any products surprise you? I hope you found this helpful!

Love Lizzie xxx


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